Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My fave shots part 1

If you're on my facebook then you've already seen these pics, bear with me. But I love them so much, and can't wait to show them to my kids and I have two super talented photogs to thank - Ili and Kude. I knew they wouldn't let me down, so glad I went with my instincts! They knew the exact look and feel I was going for, and executed it brilliantly. It was worth lugging around the props and getting all sweaty for (if you notice, my hair gets ickier as the pics progress), definitely! Also, Yasir was being such a good sport about it - you know you'd usually have to club a guy over the head and render him unconscious before he agrees to participate in any kind of photographic activity? It means even more that he was willing to get all gussied up because he knew how much I wanted pics of us! Anyway, here are some of my favourite pics from our post wedding shoot (two days after our nikah! I think I was already knocked up then btw har har):

The pics are rather small though. Maybe you can click on 'em to make them bigger? Dunno. Haha. Part 2 coming up soon :)

sloppy kisses xxx

To do list (by mama) - unedited

This morning, mama came in my room, started nagging and questioning about what I do everyday (which, I can't entirely blame her, yes, I am a loser). Then she started scribbling away furiously on a piece of paper. This is what she wrote:

1) Cook, iron, decorate oso my house. Try cooking/baking new recipes
2) Call up friends - make appointment and close cases.
TARGET: - minimum 1 friend a day
- minimum 1 case a week
3) Mengaji - target: Qatam Quran before baby born & read Islami books & listen to mengaji
4) Write & publish a mini book eg "Diary of a pregnant mother"
5) Sign up for part time MBA
6) Find some ways to earn money at home (besides insurance) eg any other direct selling, internet selling, jumble sales etc
1) DOA every time after solat
2) Dzikir banyak banyak
3) Mengaji or listen to recital of Quranic verses every day/nite
4) Eat kismis, kurma, honey & vit every morning
5) 1 fruit at least a day
,...you know you need to get a life when your mother starts writing your To Do lists for you. LE SIGH.

Insurance anyone? :D

So I don't have a full-time job at the moment besides the occassional freelance articles here and there for female magazine and The Malaysian Women's Weekly. My mom thinks I'm a complete slug, and I have to admit I am sick on relying on Yasir for money..plus, with a baby on the way, having some income would help us out loads. Sigh. Anyway, I am now doing part-time insurance for Prudential, and am on the lookout for people who are interested in taking up insurance for themselves, or savings for their children. I'm not saying this because I'm being all agent'y', but savings is ABSOLUTELY crucial for you and your family's future... without sounding too brash, you are being quite an idiot if you don't have insurance. Sorry! But insurance is not a luxury anymore people, it's definitely a necessity. Why, you ask? Why would you not save for your future or for your children's future?! Would you rather panic later on in life when you realise the money you've put away for years is definitely not enough to pay your medical bills, last you through retirement or put your children through to a good college? Or would you rather be financially smart for your future and have everything taken care of? Seems like a no brainer, doesn't it? haha. Contact me, and I'll gladly explain more...no pressure, just have a listen :) If you don't have insurance already, please feel free to comment here, or e-mail me at superbaybee@hotmail.com, with the title being 'INSURANCE', so I won't mistake your email for junkmail...and we'll take it from there! We can meet up for coffee and have a chit-chat. I don't bite, I love meeting new people, and I'm friendlier than you think! ;) haha. What say you?

Here's to being savings savvy,


I had a dream I was about to give birth and was in labour. SCARY. Needless to say, I did NOT sleep well last night. AAAAAAAAAAAACK.

Monday, November 29, 2010

A life lesson.

You came to me, crying your little heart out, and I rushed to see where the noise was coming from. There you were, sprawled out on my pavement, less than a month old, such a tiny little thing, but a cry that was loud enough for me to hear over the blast of my tv. Without any hesitation, I picked you up and cooed to you, wondering how was it that a tiny little baby kitten was left on my doorstep, without a mother cat in sight? You were so small that I knew you couldn't have ended up there by yourself, so to make sure your mother wasn't coming back for you, I put you down again where I found you and waited for a while inside the house to see if she would come for you. The sound of you crying for your mother made my heart break, and finally, after I was sure she wasn't coming back, I took you in my arms and jumped straight into the car and drove to the vet, because I knew you were too small to eat normal catfood, and I had to give you milk you drink.

Over the next few weeks, I had to get used to taking care of a baby kitten, in between flower arrangements and dress fittings, just to name a few, as I was busy planning my wedding. You were extremely clingy, and I felt like it was very much like taking care of a newborn baby! I had to feed you milk from the sryinge every so often when you cried out for me, and you would only sleep peacefully when you were in the crook of my arm. I woke up at the wee hours of the morning to you crying, calming you down while I mixed the milk powder with water and tested to see that it wasn't too hot for you to suckle on. Sometimes I would get frustrated because I was tired, but I had grown so fond of you, that I didn't think twice about coming to you when you called out for me. Finally, over the weeks, you grew slightly bigger and I could feed you soft food, which had to be hand fed because you would step in your food bowl causing your fur to go all sticky and caked with cat food! There were times your face was so messy from burying your head into the soft food that I had to wash your face with a warm, wet cloth, but you seemed to like it because you would purr as I rubbed you clean, and even fall asleep. There were countless times when both of us would fall asleep on the couch, with you cuddled in my arms. And then there were also times when I was slightly annoyed with you because I couldn't go out because I had to stay home and look after you - yes, you were that clingy and sought for attention every second you were awake! Mama even suggested I take you with me on one Saturday as I had planned to run some wedding errands! After arguing with mama that taking a baby kitten with me would be ridiculous, I spent the whole day while I was out wondering if you were okay, what were you doing, were you crying? I rushed home to you as soon as I could.

After I got married, you started growing into a playful little kitten! You were so naughty, just like a little child, chasing and biting everyone's feet! And you weren't as clingy anymore, but you still had so much love to give, always cuddling with me and kakak. I moved out of the house to live with my husband, but would come by every weekday, my highlight of the morning seeing you run to me at the gate as if you were greeting me, then chasing my feet :) I missed you on weekends when I didn't come by, and always looked for you as soon as I came back to the house. I'd call out for you if I didn't see you, and you would come bolting out of nowhere and come running to me, jump on my lap and nuzzle my arm.

Two weeks ago, the day before you left, we spent the longest time cuddling together on the couch. I was surprised that you wanted to sit with me, because you were going through a phase where you would be too busy running around and chasing the other cats to pay me any attention. But that day, you came to me when I called you, and you fell asleep on my then already pregnant stomach, and purred so loudly. Even as you woke, you stayed on my lap and watched tv with me. We stayed like that for a long time, until I finally drifted off to sleep. And I didn't know then, but an hour later, you said goodbye to me as I woke up groggily from feeling something wet touch my nose. You sniffed my face softly, and I smiled a sleepy smile and thought how cute, stroked you gently and went back to sleep. That was the last I saw of you..

The day I realised you were missing, I was so worried and cried constantly, thinking about where you had gone to, were you alright, were you hurt...a million things ran through my mind. I called and called for you throughout the day, went outside the gate and screamed for you, praying you had just gone for a short walk and would come running home as soon as you heard my voice. I was so upset, I could feel the stress taking its toll on my body and knew that I had to relax for the sake of the baby in my belly. When Yasir came home, all I could do was bury my head in his shoulder and cry my eyes out, because it felt like my heart was going to burst. I imagined the worst things in my head - and tortured myself with the image of you scared, alone and hurt..I had to force those thoughts out of my mind, to calm myself down. Now I imagine and pray that you're in a happier place...

Miu Miu, not a day goes by when I don't think of you. I don't know why you went away, but I'd like to think that God gave you to me for that short period of time to see if I have what it takes to become a mother. If I would look after you and care for you when you were such a tiny little thing, crying away in my arms. Constantly showering you with attention and affection and rushing to you, even at 5am when you called out for me, cooing to you to calm you down. I'd like to think you were put there on my doorstep for a reason, Miu, and when the time came, you left me as you had served your purpose. I hope I did well looking after you when you were abandoned by your mother and alone, and I hope that there was never a moment when you didn't feel loved.

Some people say you learn a lot when you look after and care for a pet. Miu, thank you for the life lesson you taught me, my little one, and know that you will always, always be here in my heart.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

My little man.

I can't help but worry that I might turn Ayden into a mama's boy. I'm super protective when it comes to the people I love, apparently it's in my Leo nature. I remember reading it in an astrology book -Leo mothers are fiercely protective of their young ones. Yasir thinks I have the tendency to spoil Ayden too...he sees the way I treat my cats. I know how I treat my cats. And yes, I do spoil them, and I get a tad bit iffy when I see others handling them roughly.

I guess as a parent, you have to find that perfect balance between being a loving mother, but at the same time, not too doting that your child becomes sheltered and god forbid, whiny. And of course, I wouldn't want my son to be known as a 'mummy's boy' when he's all grown up, those ones are the worst kinds! Adoi. I'll have to love him enough that he wants to take care of me, respects me and comes to me when he needs to talk, but not be too clingy. That's just one of my concerns on parenting anyway. Zillion more to come, I'm sure. One thing's for sure - I'm on a mission to groom him into becoming a gentleman. Ha ha. I'll call him 'my little man' from when he's small, and make sure he practices good manners, commend him when he does anything chivalrous in nature. Ladies first, open the door to let a lady walk in, offer to help a lady carry her things...small things first, then on to the more serious stuff like never laying a finger on a woman, always having respect for the gentler sex, and being patient when a female is PMS-ing.

Oh, this is random, but yesterday morning, I woke up and the name Natalya came to mind. Next baby perhaps? Yasir keeps on ignoring me when I talk about having a second child. Oh well.


Helloooo blog, I've missed you! Laptop is fixed, although internet is acting a tad bit dodgy. I don't really have any exciting news to report, but I am over the moon that my bebe and I have officially reached 20 weeks! And as slowly but surely, those dull little 'thud thud' kicks I talked about are getting stronger and more noticeable - I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night because of a strong kick! Then I usually find it hard to fall asleep after, but I take that all this waking up at 3am and sleepless nights will help me prepare for the real deal, so it's all good.

I am now also weighing in at 57.4kgs as of this morning. Whoa. I'm not sure if the whole '2kgs a month' thing is really going to work out for me, because my weight has been increasing really really fast. But I'm not too worried now, as I'm pretty sure that all this weight is not due to me pigging out (though that does happen from time to time), but because of my pregnancy. But yeah, arms are getting flabbier, face slightly chubs and the other day my sister played with my lovehandles, while going "why like this?" mesmerised by them. Thanks a lot kakak!

On a bouncier note, baby bump is showing! I do get some stares from people who look like they're thinking "Is she pregnant? Hmm, maybe she's not? Eh, maybe she is. Eh, no lah. SHE IS!" especially from women. Kinda fun. And you'll get people commenting on how small or big your tummy is too. The other day I went bra shopping (which was frustrating - more on that in a later post), and the salesgirl asked me how many months along I was and I told her I was 5 months, and she exclaimed with bulging eyes "Wahh, 5 months can already see ah like this!?" like I was ready to go into labour and give birth there and then in that store. Oh, and the other day I had my first 'I'm a fragile pregnant woman' situation, which was pretty cool. You know how shop assistants at Sungei Wang are usually far from being friendly to you? How they follow you around their shop as if you're going to stuff every RM25 ringgit top into your handbag at any moment, give you the evil eye, breathe down your neck and go "tsk!" and in a huff fuss over that top you took from the rack but decided it looks tacky on you, so you put it back? Well, last week, I was looking at a Balenciaga motorcycle bag imitation, and decided, nahh (but after sleepless nights that handbag has been haunting me, think I might just have to go and get it now :p) and as I was attempting to place it back on the shelf which was only a few inches higher than me, the shop assistant came rushing to me and went, "It's okay! come, come I help you!!" in the most urgent and pleasant tone possible. And instantly I felt like I needed to assume my role as the helpless preggo chick, so I stuck out my belly a few inches more and gave her a soft whisper "Thank you," while placing my hand on my waist, like I was having a backache. Automatic response, I can't help it, I swear. Guys on the other hand, tend to stare at my...boobs. My girls are definitely a far cry from Heidi Montag's, but they're definitely there. They have a mind of their own - which annoys and delights Yasir at the same time. It's like they're a blessing and a curse. Apparently only he can stare at them and his job is to protect and shield them from the prying eyes of every gatal man. You know what they say, with great boobs come great responsibility.

Oh one more thing - I'm now a baby/child stalker. If your baby is cute, I'm probably stalking you already. Watch out. Har har. There's this little boy who looks around two-years-old at my condo, who goes for a walk with his nanny around 9.15am, first time I saw him tottering about, holding his nanny's hand while walking down the path, I just stared at him and smiled widely like a psycho. He's sooooo cute! And the weird thing is, he looks like Yasir when he was a kid (believe it or not, Yasir was an uber pretty boy, with his fair complexion, red lips and dimple - I know, what happened right?? haha) so my heart just stopped looking at the little boy, coz he has the same fatures as Yasir! Then the next day, as Yasir was sending me back to the condo, we saw the boy again, this time looking a bit chomot in his pyjamas, but still tottering about with his nanny. And I've been hoping to bump into that boy eversince, but not yet. Yasir thinks I'm obsessed. I have worked out that this boy lives in the same block as me, because he always seems to be coming from that direction. Now all I gotta do is wait in front of the lift everyday at 9am sharp till he goes for his morning walk. Operation child stalking to take place. Soon. Very soon. MUAHAHAHAHA. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!

sloppy child stalker kisses,

Monday, November 22, 2010

A short update.

Laptop is still being nursed back to health (using kakak's office laptop), so I'm going to have to be MIA for a bit :( In a nutshell, what has been going on...nothing. Haha. Mama came back from Argentina, and bought 4 baby clothes and a diaper bag and a baby carrier, that you sling around your body. For me? One see through maternity dress. But I'm happy that now we've got more baby clothes coming in! One of the outfits is a nautical themed blue and white stripey top with pants, complete with a striped hat and little striped gloves..very cute :) Thanks mama/nenek! WHOA. Nenek. Mama's going to be a nenek!

Ooh, another thing worth mentioning and a tad bit alarming is that I've put on close to 5kgs!! I know I'm pregnant and putting on weight is the norm, but it's kinda scary when you put on weight really really fast. Apparently you're only supposed to put on 2kgs a month when you're pregnant, but at the rate I'm going.....aaack. I haven't really been eating like a crazy person too, but I make sure I never skip any meals. And occasionally I do indulge in some sweet stuff (like doughnuts, or chocs etc) but not anything out of the norm. Hmmm. I have also been going swimming, thanks to my darling friend Maine, I've been tumpang'ing' her pool at Seri Maya, and am trying to make a habit of swimming at least twice a week! Let's see how long that will last. Haha.

Alright, that's going to be all for now because I'm a little pressed for time. Damn laptop, will you be fixed already??!!!!

sloppy kisses.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Kick kick!

Yesterday I was watching E.T on HBO and felt the unmistakable feeling of the baby kicking! I've felt some fluttery movement before, but was always unsure if it was baby or because I had something funky for dinner and my tummy was rebelling, but I'm pretty sure the kicks I felt yesterday were from the baby. It was a dull *thud thud* feeling in the lower part of my stomach, and went on for 5 times in a row! It was a pretty awesome feeling :) I was hoping he would go on and on, and didn't want it to end..because when your nausea is gone, and your tummy isn't at that stage where you look obviously pregnant, you tend to get a little bit paranoid. So when I felt my baby kicking, this warm fuzzy feeling rushed over me, and I'm reminded that my son is growing inside me. My son. Wow, it makes me a little teary eyed just thinking about it..Insyaallah.

Anyway, maybe he was kicking because he loved the movie or he thought E.T was cute? Ha ha. Because just before the movie started, I rubbed my belly and told him we were going to watch a pretty cool movie on HBO. I talk to my belly sometimes so my baby will recognise my voice when he comes out..docs recommend it. It's kinda hard because I don't usually talk a lot day to day when I'm mostly alone and Yasir's at work, unless I'm talking to my grandparents or my cats, so I try to make singing a habit too, so Ayden can hear me. Wonder what he thinks of my singing....

Yasir and I bought the baby's first outfit on Sunday! It was random, we now have the habit of occasionally stopping by children\babies clothes shops when we're out, so that day we were in Ampang Point and I caught sight of this t-shirt and shorts set for 0 to 3 month old babies, and this one had a picture of a koala bear sitting down, and had "My name is koala" imprinted on it! I thought it was the most perfect looking thing I had ever seen (because we all know how I say Yasir looks like a koala bear) and we've been referring to him as Baby Koala or Koko. So I thought it would be perfect for our little Ayden :) Plus, it helps that it was on sale and super cheap - score!

It's now safely tucked away in my closet, waiting for a tiny body to fill it...and I know that eventually (insyaallah) when Ayden has it on, it's going to get stained with drool and smell of baby masam after a day, but it'll always be Ayden's first special outfit, and remind me of the days when Yasir and I were completely clueless about baby stuff. I might just keep that outfit till Ayden gets his first serious girlfriend and whip it out to show her and embarrass him..yeah, I'm going to be one of "those moms"! Poor Ayden. Heh heh.

Alright, off to Ikea with the sister-in-law. Meatballs with extra jam, here I come!!

To all idiots out there..

This is my blog. Aainaa's. So obviously I will write about me and whatever the hell is going on in this life of mine. OBVIOUSLY. If you are so STUPID that you can't grasp that concept, then why the hell are you here in the first place? To read about my life jugak right? As my husband has put it simply, if you don't like it, then don't come back time and time again to read it. Ugh, it's ridiculous just thinking about it. Plus, I'm pregnant, so I REALLY don't need bumbling fools reading this blog and leaving stupid, irrational comments. Makes me nauseated. Please take a hike, jump off a building, or take a long walk off a short pier. Thanks.

To my worthy readers\family\friends, sorry for the slow updates, laptop is on its way to getting fixed and it's pretty tough typing from my blackberry, so hopefully as soon as it's fixed, my "menjual diri" in this blog will commence as per usual. If you guys are confused as to what I mean by "menjual diri", please refer to the idiotic comments made by a certain Anonymous on my The Mom Dresscode post. But be warned, it would be a waste of your precious time, as it has been of mine. But should you need some entertainment, by all means :) Anyway, sorry your reading material at work is on hiatus as of now. You know I love you.

Sloppy kisses! Xxx

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Miu Miu

Please come home :((((

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Man vs wife

It's been nearly four months since I've been living with an extra terrestrial, or rather, the male species. Here are the things which I have had to get used to, or what I don't understand:

Why does he:

- have to smoke while taking a dump? This is an intriguing thing that smokers do which I still don't get...hmmmm

- insist on playing his xbox everynight before we go to sleep, for at least 2 hours? I'm convinced it releases some sort of therapeutic, brain-relaxing hormone which without, will lead to a sleepless night - so as an understanding wife, I know he's gotta do what he's gotta do, and I'd usually fall asleep on the couch till the wee hours of the morning until this hormone is released and we can finally crawl into bed.

- watch Ironman 2 on blu-ray over and over again? I have seriously lost count. The last time my 3-year-old cousin Rayyan came over, Yasir used him as an excuse. We'll see what he comes up with next...

- hog the covers shamelessly?!?! This is a particularly unpleasant habit I had to discover after we got married..it's really not fun having to go to bed knowing that you're about to go to battle everynight. It's like I'm at a friggin' Sports Day and I'm participating in 'acara tarik tali' forgodsakes. After the first few sleepless (not to mention freezing) nights of waking up shivering and groping around for the duvet, I now respond to this annoying habit automatically, and am on standby mode. As soon as I feel the duvet sliding, I tug that motherf**king piece of material HARD and hold on for dear life. Usually, he stops. If he doesn't, then I find that shouting "OI!!!!!!!" works too.

- have his hands in his pants or shorts and on his crotch when he's watching tv? I've heard tales about the male species having the tendency to do such a thing and didn't really believe it...till I got married. Some theories say that they feel a need to constantly check if their goods are still there, because it's such a prized possession. Fair enough, I guess, should one day your schlong decide to run away and find itself a better owner.

- wear the same t-shirt to bed for WEEKS and not feel yucky? Eeeeeeeeuwwwww gross!

- fart while pretending he's a rocket missile, or...a ballerina.

Okay, sure, there are things that he doesn't get about me either, like:

- why I take at least half an hour to get out of the house, even if it means popping by to the nearest mamak for a quick breakfast. I just don't know what to wearrrr and some days I look fat in everythinggggg *sniff*

- why my bra is draped across the living room sofa sometimes. Look, if I feel the need to set 'my girls' free while I'm watching The Kardashians on E! and I'm too lazy to walk to the room, that's where my bra's gonna be at, alright? And don't pretend you don't like it when I go bra-less! You like, right??

- why I must watch Giuliana and Bill. You have no idea about the pain they're going through!They've been wanting a baby for ages now, and first did IUI and it wasn't effective, and decided on IVF even if it meant her having to go through all these procedures which were taxing to her body physically and she FINALLY got pregnant and they were so happy, and then after 8 weeks she miscarried...sighhhhh, so sad:(

- why I must change handbags everytime. It's simple: Different handbags go with different outfits. Capiche?

- why it takes me so long to get ready for bed. I'm sorry we all don't just take off our contact lenses and hop straight into bed like you do. The nightly ritual usually involves makeup remover, followed by cleansing, and some sort of cream we slap on our face before we can even think of snoozing. Which brings me to...

- why I have random dots of pimple cream on my face when I slide into bed next to you. I know it isn't sexy, and I look downright scary sometimes, but you want your wife to have pimply face is it? When else can I have some goopy thing on my face anyway? There's a reason they call it 'beauty sleep' you know, so that we can regain our beauty while we sleep, even if it means looking like Frankenstein in the process. Oh and wives everywhere would appreciate our husbands telling us (or a hint would do) beforehand if they're up for a lil' somethin' somethin' before going to bed, because then we'll sacrifice the pimple cream...just for you, because we're nice *smiles sweetly*. Please note, once we have the stuff on our face, there's no turning back. Don't even think about nudging us, please eh. Dowan.

But besides all the hullabaloo, co-existing under one roof ain't that bad after all. Yasir and I lucked out because our 'mess level' is sorta similar, so I'm not an anal person to live with, and he isn't either. You hear stories about how the wife gets all frustrated because her husband's underwear is strewn all over the place...thank god I don't have to deal with that. Also, Yasir doesn't pee standing up, so I don't get that whole frustrating thing with the toilet seat being up. Although our condo can look like a pig sty from time to time, we usually come to a point where one of us takes a look around our house and shrieks "OHMYGOD WE'RE LIVING IN A DUMPSTER!!!" or "OHMYGOD WE JUST GOT ROBBED!!!!!!" followed by us both scurrying around, cleaning up. Simple. To my dear husband, here's to many more years of living together, in our own beautiful mess. And next year, insyaallah with a bouncing, crying, peeing and pooping baby Ayden thrown into the mix, our adventure begins all over again.

Can't wait :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

16 weeks pregnancy vlog

A short update and a tummy shot. This was before we found out we're having a boy, so I didn't include that in! Next vid :)


This is a happy post!

This post is long overdue! Counting my blessings today, which I should remind myself to do more often. Anyway, these are the things which make me believe that unicorns, My Little Ponies and everything else lovely in the world exist :

- My kitty Miu Miu coming to me for 'manja time'. What she does is run from out of nowhere, jumps onto the couch and into my lap, nuzzles her wet little nose onto my arm and purrs loudly :)

- New York Cheesecake doughnut from Krispy Kreme. I love the little cheesecake crumbs on top and the lemon filling. Mmm-mmm!

Check out the doughnut-y goodness. Yasir had the choc one with some cream filling - his was pretty yummy too

- Eating one dessert after the other : Red velvet cupcake, followed by sticky date pudding from Delicious. I FULLY recommend the pudding, it is divine! The pudding is served hot, topped with vanilla ice cream and a side of butterscotch sauce. Oh god.

Sticky date pudding orgasmic bliss!

- Pancakes for breakfast!

- Ruffling Yasir's hair first thing when I wake up :)

- Doing my mak nenek dance for Yasir and making him laugh

- Cute baby clothes! So many cute onezies at Mothercare! eeeek! Yasir and I were fiddling with a snowman suit and scheming about stuffing Ayden into one for Christmas. Muahahaha

- Doctor telling me I can eat anything and everything under the sun. Really?? More sushi for me!!! Kidding, kidding :p

- Dreaming about visiting Dicky and kakak in Vevey, Switzerland next year as a trio family! :D

sloppy kisses! xxx

la la la la Elmo song!

In a bit of a 'motherly' mood today :) Can't wait to sing this with Ayden! :D

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


What are little boys made of, made of?
What are little boys made of?
Snips and snails and puppy dog tails;
That's what little boys are made of.

It's a boy! Little Ayden Hood :) Insyaallah.