Tuesday, December 21, 2010

quickie and 'pregnant' sex.

I have been super crap at updating this blog lately, because, yes internet is busted yet again, and typing from my bb (which is what I'm doing now!) is tedious! So I'm making this a quickie. I find it funny that my belly button is becoming increasingly small - I'm an innie, so if I actually go on to becoming an outie as this pregnancy develops, I might be weirded out, but still find it funny. Yeah, I'm amused by the smallest things, me. Heh. Anyway, we are going into our 24th week this coming weekend! 6 months pregnant! Alhamdulillah and wow, that was quick! Can't believe it will be another 3 months or more to go till I'll be able to hold my baby koala in my arms :)

I'm still putting weight on like crazy, it seems like I've been gaining at least 1kg A WEEK. Not good- though luckily, it doesn't look like I've gained heaps of weight - but I officially have vaginas for armpits. Have been trying to 'work out' with xbox Kinect when I can (I'm awesome at table tennis heh heh), but I should really start doing more exercise..sigh. Baby is kicking happily in my tum tum, there are times when he kicks surprisingly hard that I squeal out in shock. Lately, he's been waking me up in the wee hours of the morning, doing his workouts.

I don't know how many pregnant women\moms read this blog, but I've got quite a personal question to ask, and it would be great if I get some feedback - Did\has sex changed when you got pregnant? Did you ever feel unattractive or feel that your partner didn't find you as attractive as you were? Or maybe your spouse finds\found it weird to be doing 'it' with a pregnant woman? Or was everything just fine and dandy in the sack?

Thoughts? ;)


Anonymous said...

most pregnant women are more sexually active due to the level of sex drive that increase during pregnancy.....im sure your partner still finds you as hot even with the baby staring at him through your belly haha. however, do google on a safe sex for pregnant women. have fun ")

maneesa said...

Hi there ,
i was bloghopping and stumble upon ur blog and then i came to notice your beautiful wedding in kudegraphy.
Congratulations on your pregnancy and you'll make a beautiful mother :)
I was searching for your wedding prep writings and stumble across (yes again) your wedding blog but it require for me to log in.
If you dont mind , seeing how beautifully u've plan ur wedding and perhaps it can help to give me a tip or two guide to another bridezilla , care to add my email so i will be able to view it.

Appreciate it :)

Hugs ,

Nadia Izuddin said...

sex while ur preggers can be very exciting! especially after uve gotten over the first trimester worries. after my miscarriage i was soo careful with my second pregnancy. to the point that my mom, hubby and everyone wouldnt even allow me to pick up the laundry basket! but anyways back to sex... i started to relax and the sex was great. its ur time to get creative! heheh. plus, i read somewhere you shoud have sex more often during the last few weeks or something. helps with giving birth? dunno if its 100% true.

hajar aman shah said...

Some women have an increase of libido, during pregnancy...and personally, it's been good and healthy. Seems like my husband doesn't find me pregnant being a reason to slow down on that section. So i hope me sharing helps...i'll spare the details..

Unknown said...

You're hot and i think its good to continue living a normal life eventho you're pregnant now. Yasir will find u sexy im sure! ;P

AainaaRibena said...

Hi Maneesa, sorry for the late reply! Honestly, that blog is so blah, I didn't even bother to update it close to the wedding! Haha. But sure, I'll invite you anyway :)

Adi, I was talking about WHILE pregnant, not after. And yes, I'm sure the vagina does become slightly loose after, I'm sure, after pushing a living, breathing baby out. Thanks for the input anyway.

Hajar and nadia, I suppose some men are afraid they'll hurt the baby, even if they know it's perfectly safe!

AainaaRibena said...

Maneesa I cldn't invite you from my bb, so I've just decided to make my blog public. Enjoy! Haha

Maneesa said...

Hi i got to view ur other blog :)
thanks dear