Friday, February 18, 2011

I wonder.

I was having a bbm conversation with my cousins and we were talking about how we looked like as babies. Truthfully, I was quite fugly then. Ha ha. You know how they say all babies are cute? Well, errr...I was definitely not a cute baby. I was so bloated, with tiny slits for eyes and MASSIVE. Hair standing on the top of my head. Brown-ish. Not exactly diaper commercial material. Yasir on the other hand, was a super cute baby. Behold:

He's the cutie pie in the middle! Awww, so fair and wide-eyed! He's pictured here with his mommy and his two older brothers. Then as he grew, he still turned out cute, like this:

Somehow, many many years later, he turned into THIS:

HAHAHA okay okay that's a really bad photo (don't kill me sayang!), this one's more like it:

Surrounded by chicks! hahah. Anyway, I guess it doesn't matter what you looked like as a baby, you might turn out entirely different. I've been wondering and daydreaming about what my baby boy looks like...we haven't done a 4D or a 3D scan, so we have NO clue as to whose eyes, nose or lips he has. I've been wanting to get a 4D scan done, but it keeps on getting postponed and I'm getting restless! Yasir wants to leave it as a surprise, but I'm just too darn curious to wait (plus I do want to see how fully formed he is, insyaallah everything should be formed by now). Sometimes I imagine a boy who looks exactly like Yasir, when he was cute would that be? :) I see him having Yasir's big doey eyes, round but sharp nose and pouty lips... *sigh* :) I really don't mind if he doesn't look like me at all, for some strange reason...I think it's because I think Yasir was such a cute baby that I would LOVE for Ayden to look exactly like him, if I had a choice!

Oh Ayden, everyday that passes by brings me closer to gazing at your little face, kissing your sweet little cheeks and holding your tiny little fingers in my hand. I don't care how you look like, my darling, you're already perfect to me.

1 comment:

It's ME ! said...

what happens if he comes out looking like me? MUAHAHAHAH (I am his aunty after all)
Eh, xyahlah 4D scan....leave it as a SUPRISE!!! ;D