Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sleepless nights

I am convinced that my baby is a night owl - he barely sleeps at night, and is so active that I struggle to fall asleep on most days. Last night, as Yasir and I settled in bed, I tapped my tummy gently and told him to sleep. He then proceeded to respond with a double karate kid flying kick on the right side of my belly. Either that, or he boxed me. Fast and furiously. Not too sure which one it was. I predict that if the little bugger keeps this up, he's going to be quite a handful! Some people have told me that playing a soft tune when your baby is active in the womb will help quiet them down, and helps for when the baby is out too - you simply play the tune you've been playing to them while you were pregnant, and they should simmer down just by listening to it. Sounds perfectly simple, and I was up for trying it out. But unfortunately Yasir and I don't own a CD player, neither do we own an iPod (omg we sound like village people), so I'm not sure how we're going to carry out this 'experiment'. Yasir has suggested that he download the tune ('Somewhere over the rainbow' is the perfect song to snooze to) on to his phone, and borrow his friend's huge headphones. You know, the one you can sort of strap on to your belly. Fingers crossed it'll work out!

So kakak has left to be with her husband in Vevey. Boo to her for not being around for the delivery! Speaking of delivery, we are torn between Gleaneagles or Prince Court..definitely not changing doctors, it's a little too late for that. Our doc practices in both of the hospitals, so we have an option to switch from Gleneagles to PC if we want to...obviously in terms of environment, Prince Court wins hands down, and apparently the food is fine dining. In the words of my aunt: "The tiramisu is to die for!" Honestly I could do with a little fine dining to put me at ease before The Big Push! Ha ha. If only they'd let me slurp on the tiramisu to distract me while I'm getting my epidural heh heh heh. And one of the cons of Gleneagles is that the rooms are scarce because it tends to get quite packed. But everyone seems to think PC is more expensive than Gleneagles, so Yasir and I are quite confused at this point. Hopefully by next weekend we'll be able to sort everything out and actually decide which hospital we're going to stick to. Furr reals.

Baby shower dress STILL not ready, but they promised it would be ready by today. I'm contemplating pretty-ing up my nails with a little nail polish for the shower too. How exciting! :D
I'm thinking a darker colour, to balance out the bright...oh, and is it too early for me to start fantasizing about fitting into my high waisted skirts and cinchers again? Teehee..

Mucho love,


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