Thursday, February 25, 2010

Kakak's married.

So I guess this means we're not going to share a bed anymore. Or sleep in the TV room together. Or watch trashy reality shows after work. Or watch E! news on Saturday mornings. Or talk about our cats everyday.

Things are definitely not going to be the same. I'm happy for her, but...sigh.


Monday, February 8, 2010

Chillin' with Buffy

...and she finally falls asleep :)

i'm so tired....

I need a break. Really badly. A one week holiday will do, ANYTHING. Please, just give me a break :(

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Wedding Blog.

I did it. I now have a separate blog to stash my wedding planning posts, and keep this one for other stuff. Hop on over if you're keen:


...this way I won't feel too guilty bombarding y'all with wedding related stuff in this blog. Feel free to drop comments there too!

sloppy kisses.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

To floss or not to floss

Okay, I need a show of hands...who thinks it would be a good idea to have cotton candy at my nikah (solemnization ceremony)? There won't be any children around...but it would bring out the kid in everyone, I think. I know I'd be all up in that sugary goodness if I went to a nikah that had cotton candy, hell yeaaaahs! Would you? Thoughts please! I know who reads my posts and most of you are my closest friends (and if you're not I would still appreciate it), so give your two cents worth! like, NOW! haha. Much love.
sloppy cotton candy kisses!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I'm so excited!

I have found THE perfect wedding favour for my black and white reception!! It's a secret ;)

Monday, February 1, 2010

My Sister's Wedding

My only sister is going to be a married woman in.....ten days. Strangely, I know I'm going to miss arguing with her about who gets to use the big comforter to sleep once she moves out of the house. Am going to start working on my speech for her wedding. Will post it here after the reception on the 19th of Feb :)
I know you know this, but I'm proud of you, woman.

Buffy I brought another kitten back home. This time, it's a girl :) She's a teeny tiny little thing - Yasir and I were getting into his car because we were on a mission to stuff our faces with Carl's Jr's Guacamole burger for dinner (which we found out later they don't serve anymore, MY LIFE IS OVERRRRRR *&&^%^&#*$%@^&*#), and as I was about to shut the car door I saw this wee little silhouette from miles away, darting about towards the middle of the road....while two on-coming cars loomed behind it. Something possessed me then, because I shouted (although I know the drivers couldn't hear me from where I was) and like a zombie, I got out of the car while Yasir had no idea what in the world was going on, the poor boy. I started walking and walking (thank god she ran back to the side of the road, so the cars narrowly missed her) and finally reached the tiny thing and scooped her in my arms. Her fur was wet and she was shivering. I cooed to her while walking back to the house, while Yasir joined me and finally figured out what all the ruckus was about. She's just about three months old, and suffering from a horrible flu - sneezing, snotty nose, eyes so caked with gunk she could barely open them - the works.

It's been four days since I first laid eyes on her, and she's recovering well...kakak and I cleaned her eyes (well, kakak did most of the eye gunk cleaning, because she's supernaturally good at that) and I brought her to the vet for some proper medication. She's a spunky little thing, she is! Always pouncing on things and biting everything - hence the name Buffy (the vampire slayer) And ever so manja too; she loves to cuddle and cosy up with kakak and me. In a bid not to jinx things, I would say things are looking pretty alright :)

Here's to another addition to the Keramat cat family!