Friday, May 8, 2009

Here's to my mom

Mother's Day is coming up. So this post is dedicated to my mom:

Mama, thanks for...

- forcing me to take our Cod's Liver Oil and vitamins in the morning before I went off to school. I hated how it tasted, but I know it's because you want me to grow up healthy and strong.

- putting a cold towel on my forehead when I fell sick and had a burning fever. You would wake up countless times in the middle of the night just to check my temperature, rinse the towel with water again and put it back on my forehead.

- organising birthday parties for me, taking the time and energy to prepare food and snacks for my friends. I still remember that Birthday Pool Party I suggested it, and we all had a blast. One of the birthdays I will never, ever forget.

- staying strong in front of kakak and me when That Man left us. We never saw you emotional and you got back up on your own two feet because you knew you had to, for kakak and my sake. You worked three jobs, day and night just to support us and put food on the table.

- fetching and sending kakak and me to school, from school, to tuition, from tuition, to UiTM, from UiTM...

- always being the first to break the ice after we have our arguments. They say a mother's love is unconditional, and I know that that's the absolute truth.

- letting me go to Melbourne to further my studies. You knew it was going to be tough to help pay for my fees, but because you saw how much it meant to me, you let me go in the end, despite all odds and having to sell off a car.

- still putting breakfast on the table every morning when I wake up. And the packed lunches you leave on the table for me to take to work!

- wanting to be involved in my personal life. Asking questions about the guy I'm dating, always wanting the best for me and giving me advice. I know you're scared I'll go down the same road you did when it came to men, but you have to trust I'll make the right decisions in the end.

Mama, even though I'm no longer your little daughter, know I've learned a lot from a strong, phenomenal woman like you. While we do have our differences, I will always have you up there on a pedestal, and you are one of the strongest women I know or will ever know. I am proud to have a mother like you.

Happy Mother's Day ma. I love you.

With love always,
Your daughter `Aainaa

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