Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Shout out to my man for this past week

...because you surprised me with a kitten which you picked up at the mamak (who is now named Cashmere 'del ohos locos' Kapoor - we just call him Cash), driving Skeet, me and Cash to the vet on Sunday, bringing your PS3 and Guitar Hero to the house because you knew how much I wanted to play and connecting it to the tv then disconnecting it again because I want to watch Astro, going with me to the salon as usual to get my ritual done, driving me to do a COD for the billionth time, eating Dunkin Doughnuts crossaints with me at a random Petronas station for dinner, letting me drive your car while you drove mine because my Waja's radio doesn't work, secretly filling up my gas tank on the way to my house because it was on E, telling me I look beautiful EVERY SINGLE DAY even when I don't, helping me look for Skeet after work because I panicked when he didn't come home (but he did in the end! :D), burning a CD for me because you know all the CDs in the Waja are boring the hell outta me, just putting up with my crazy (and sometimes moody) randomness.

It may sound corny, but baby you rock my world ;)

1 comment:

shamaine said...

my momma told me, a man who rocks your world is definitely a keeper ;)