Thursday, August 13, 2009

It's been a while...

Haven't written lately because I'm just so darn out of it. Not sure out of what exactly, but I'm thinking it may I need a holiday, time to reflect on my life and everything that surrounds it, fills it and shapes it. I don't think this has anything to do with the fact that I just turned 26 (or does it?). I just need some 'me' time. I'm sure everyone feels like they need 'me' time too; but this is my blog and I'll rant about me. I've heard of this crisis that hits twenty-somethings. Usually, when you approach your mid-twenties, you feel lost, unsure if what you're doing is what you should be doing, and whether you should still continue doing it. You're still battling your career choices. Most of my close girlfriends aren't totally happy with the job they're in right now...and yes, we're all the same age. The fact that I've chosen a different career path is because I'm still weighing out my options, and I feel like I need to do something that is emotionally rewarding, if you will - and teaching fits the bill perfectly. If I had it my way, I would say my dream job would be to work with animals. But I can't bear seeing sick animals, so I'd have to work in a place where all the animals are healthy and happy. How does one go about becoming an animal trainer, I wonder? I would also love to see different cultures; experience them, smell them and eat them. I want to go to the commercial places like New York, Paris, Italy and Japan first...then I'll travel to remote islands. I don't really do jungles, but Africa is a dream too. My grandfather has always wanted me to be an English Professor. If I do decide to stay in the teaching line, that title sounds pretty darn appealing to me! I'd like to do my Masters, one step at a time first, then we'll see about getting a PhD. I suppose I'll need to brush up on my spelling and grammar, of course. Ha ha. I've always loved writing, I knew the minute I could put pen to paper, that I was a writer - I would write my own children stories when I was as little as four-years-old. The Peter and Jane series and Enid Blyton books inspired me then. I don't think I'll ever give up writing; if not I would die - how else am I going to express myself? I guess that's what this blog is for, I'd make up imaginary readers and pretend I was talking to them. Even if no one ever reads this.

From time to time, I'd ask myself - what is it that I really want? And the answer is... I haven't figured that out yet. In a way, that's the beauty of life; it gives you that challenge to keep on searching for what it is that will really fulfill you...and although at times you feel like you want to give up searching for it and you are willing to be stuck in that rut, you must never give up. Take risks, plunge into the unknown...change your job a 100 times if you must. Never, ever give up. If you have to stay in a safe job because of the money and you have responsibilities, go ahead, but dwell on things that bring out the real you. Take dance lessons if you love to dance, or audition for plays if you love acting, sell cakes if you love to bake. Life is too short to waste it away doing something you hate dragging yourself out of bed for.


Anonymous said...

i am following your blog. yes there are people who read them. Do what you want to do. As for me I want to live away from home, and so I migrated. I am taking west coast swing dance classes. And I am wearing a dresses and removed my hijab., I just be me.
cheers hugs kisses,
aunty azieda

shikinlickin said...

hun, you do know we read ur blog right?hehe.u know whats my dream job?dolphin trainer.if only i get to do that, then i'd die and go to heaven haih. but yea this job pays.hence ive always find it hard to leave.but gah i hate my job!

anyways im sure you'll be a wonderful teacher, and yes you haf it in you hunny!totally rooting for you!

love love hugs and kisses xoxo

Eduardo said...

this is the 2nd time today im commenting on this topic...o me its 2 things;
1. Get a job that pays 1st before hand
2. After u've collected the money u wanted,then go find something that u like to do.

U cant be broke to do anything or go anywhere..u know im right bout this.