Monday, January 18, 2010


*Warning, spoiler ahead.

So I finally watched My Sister's Keeper.


And to make matters worse, I just found out my neighbours next door have a little girl who has Leukemia. They go three times a week to the hospital for check-ups and medication.

I don't know what's harder: knowing you're dying, or watching your little one slowly wasting away.

And the scenes in the movie where Kate Fitzgerald meets the love of her life who is also terminally ill, goes on 'dates' together in the hospital while he holds back her hair and she vomits from having undergone chemo...and to actually lose him in the's not JUST a movie, these things happen in real life.

What these people would give to have a normal relationship. Ones we take forgranted everyday. It could be as simple as going to watch a movie, being bored over the weekend because there's nothing to do but hang out and watch tv, or planning to go on a holiday together next month. And big ones, like getting married...and planning a future together, or starting a family.

And for that, I am very very very thankful.

1 comment:

Shiks said...

thankful indeed, eventho im dating a knucklehead hahahaha sigh siiigh sighhhhhhh