Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Never too late, eh.

Okay, call me ketinggalan zaman but I would like to list down my new year resolutions. Why, you ask? Because I would like to improve myself further and become a better human being. Bullshit, I'm just bored. I never follow these things anyways. But at least I've made a conscious effort to TRY (just by typing away, I AM trying, am I not?) Here goes:


- Stay away from online blogshops as much as I can. I will not turn to them in times of turmoil. I will recognise that while there may be the thrill of the purchase as I drop a seller an e-mail and manage to secure that uber cute dress, that feeling will vanish as fast as it came. Just because I'm feeling fat, or I'm PMS-ing, or I'm stressed, or because I'm tired, or because I have nothing to do and nothing good is on tv, or because it's Tuesday..these reasons will not justify my purchases no more!!

- Plan my wedding. Forgodsakes woman, get cracking!!

- Drink more water, eat less ice cream.

- Learn how to cook. It will only be a matter of time when Yasir and I are married and my husband realises that he is being fed microwaveable goodies and lamb chops (because it's the only thing i know how to make - marinade, pop it into a microwave and voila!). Learning how to cook entails crafting proper Malay dishes; tumbuk-cilli-padi-tabur-kunyit-garam-lada-secukup rasa-ye-tuan-tuan-dan-puan-puan style. The works. Oh god.

- Buy a cute apron, but only to encourage my quest in learning how to cook!

- Shut up when mama is having one of her 'episodes'. There is no point in saying what I think, or feel. Recognise the 'signs' (when she is starting to foam at the mouth being an obvious one) and slowly walk away. Or maybe don't walk away, she might attack from the back. Stay there and shut up. Take it like a soldier.

Right. That's all I can think of for now. Told you I'm crap at this.

sloppy kissie-poos!


Yasir said...

yeay! ure gonna learn how to cook. sayang you can just salmon everyday. And I'll be happy!

Shiks said...

hahahahahah secukup rasa yer puan puan. good luck babes, and hey, cooking is easy and comes naturally :D btw dunt delete this blog, coz when ure 40 and yasir complains of salmon jer hari2, u haf this proof yo ;) nyehehehehe

AainaaRibena said...

i miss you too luv!! cepat balik again! haha. and mannnn, my mum is on a roll these days. aaack.