Ok, so I know everyone on facebook is doing this thing, and I've done mine, but I didn't really give it much thought (wrote it in 5 minutes!), so I felt like re-doing it all over again. Have no idea what I'm going to write, but should be (remotely) interesting. I'm still sticking with the whole 'random' bits of info, so don't expect this post to be life changing. Haha. Here goes:-
1) I can't wait for my hair to grow long. I used to have hair which went down to my armpits, poker straight too - now it's always slightly shorter than shoulder-length. Time for a changeeee!
2) I can't really stand Malay acting. But I can do the intonation really well though (you know, their voice intonation where everything they say sounds reaaaaaalllyyy natural and convincing)- I do a mean 'Malay-mengada-wife' who calls her husband 'abang' and pouts like a fish.
2) One time when I was little, I stole cotton balls from a torn bag in a pharmacy. They were so fluffy and colourful, I thought they were like unedible pieces of cotton candy and I HAD TO HAVE THEM.
3) Boys used to love chasing me around the classroom in kindergarten. I thought that was quite cool.
4) I mostly shave my legs in the car.
5) When my cat sleeps on me, I'll do whatever it takes not to move and wake him/her up. My legs and arms would cramp up, but I'll stay in that position as long as my cat's comfortable.
6) I just googled "Garden wedding planning" 5 minutes ago. Yeppp.
7)I think the ghosts in Pacman are mean, cunning son-of-a-bitches!!
8) I once almost fainted after they took my blood for a blood test. I started getting all lightheaded and sweaty - I can't accept the fact that my blood is unwillingly being sucked out from my vein.
9)Oh, once in std. two, I almost fainted when we sang the "...tanah tumpahnya darahku" line in
Negaraku. I think it was because I imagined blood spilling all over on to the ground.
10)I can be very graphic when it comes to my imagination.
11) I used to have very smelly feet when I was young. The cute guy who worked in a shoe store once took off my shoes and scrunched up his nose. I knew then I needed to get help - thank god I stopped wearing sneakers.
12) I've lived in three haunted houses.
13) I'm more tolerant of public burps now. I used to giggle hysterically whenever anyone around me used to let out a burp. Once, my BM tutor burped loudly when he said "Ti-tik" and I couldn't stop laughing until the end of that lesson.
14) When I laugh hard, my nostrils flare. And according to Yasir, I laugh like an Arab man.
15) I never burp. I don't really know how to.
16) I like singing random songs in a Disney Princess voice, particularly Snow White's. I think my fairytale rendition of Paramore's "That's what you get" is fantastic.
17) I was proud when I got my first period. I felt like I was 12-years-old going on 20. I remember showing my stained undies to my best friend Zara in our school toilet and grinning like mad when she confirmed I was indeed, now a woman.
18) The filling in my back tooth from my root canal has fallen out since middle of last year. I still have a huge hole there and I always gargle after a meal so food doesn't get stuck. Wow, that's pretty disgusting!
19) I love pretending I'm a mermaid when I'm swimming and I'm the most graceful creature on earth.
20) I'm going to have a son called Ayden one day. And I'm toying with the name Delailah for my daughter, because they both go so good together. I imagine myself introducing them to people all the time. Me at a kid's birthday party: "This is Ayden and Delailah. Salam uncle! Salam! SALAM MAMA CAKAP!!"
21) When I first get married, I'll be calling my husband 'abang' just to annoy him. And pouting when I say this.
22) My excercise when I'm feeling fat : 5 leg lifts on each side and I'm done.
23) Right now I'm worried because I have an Elseve advertorial to start on and I don't have a clue what it will be about!! And I still haven't found someone to test out this frikkin DIY haircolouring thing! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!
24) I have this strange tendency to eat food that has passed its due date.
25) My favourite thing in the universe is when I receive comments on my blog. At least I know I'm not talking to myself?
sloppy kisses!