Saturday, February 14, 2009

...and the battle rages on.

I'd like to let off a little steam here. I'm 26 this year,right? So why does my skin still INSIST on behaving like a horny teenage boy's? Just this morning I woke up, looked into the mirror and stared at an offending-looking zit on my cheek staring right back at me. I suppose it decided to keep the other pimple on my forehead company. How sweet. If I could write my skin a letter, here's how it would sound like:-

Dear skin,

Hey, how are you? Not so good, I imagine. What with all the breaking out you've been doing. I mean, really? How long has it been now - over 12 years? You must be really, really tired. I know we haven't been the best of friends, I've fought you tooth and nail everytime you decided it's time for another batch of zits just for funzies..I've slapped on almost every product available out there in the market for acne-prone skin - Proactive (the one Jessica Simpson swears her short Daisy Dukes by), antibiotics, tea tree oil...lord knows what other chemicals I've smothered you in. But you would always win, you're a fighter when it comes to making me miserable. Remember this one time I almost wanted to scrape you off with my fingernails because I was breaking out so bad and I didn't want to go out of the house? It was Hari Raya forgodsakes - all the new clothes I put on couldn't drown out my frustration with you. It didn't help that my relatives would go "Ni kuat berangan ni!" or the more tactful "Eeeee banyaknya jerawat!" when I came to salam them. Very frustrating times indeed, I must say. I really just wanted to live under a rock! Then there were phases where you insisted on two or more portruding pimples after the other, and my self-confidence was crushed. I couldn't leave the house without foundation and concealer on, even if it was just a short trip to the grocers. You must have been laughing your head off with glee every single time I broke down!

Then, someone told me about going to a dermatologist. I knew it would cost a shitload of money, but I was desperate. So I went. And I swallowed pills. And then IT WAS MY TURN to laugh in your face, because you finally had to stop your evil ways. You actually behaved!! I was ecstatic, finally I didn't have to look down at my shoes when talking to someone! FINALLY I could wake up in the morning, and a monstrous pimple wouldn't have grown viciously overnight! FINALLY I got my self-confidence back! But it wasn't cheap taming you and keeping you from going back to your evil ways - it took thousands and thousands just to keep you clear. And after a few years, I knew I couldn't keep spending that kind of money, so I stopped taking those 'magical' pills.

And here we are, skin, just you and me - back to square one. It's been a long, hard battle between the both of us, after all these years. 12 years is a bit ridiculous even for a feud, don't you think? The pills have long worn off, and you're slowly starting to go back to your usual ways. True, you may be a bit mild-mannered than before, but my forehead is still breaking out, and of course, there's that occassional zit on my cheek. I really don't know when you'll tire of it all, and sometimes I feel like that day will never come. Which, when you think about it, is fucking scary. Look, be sensible here - I'm a Beauty Writer; I don't think it would be cool to meet clients with a pimply face, would it? So listen, why don't we be friends and put our past behind us? What say you let me move on with my life and concentrate on actually acting like an adult? I'm not saying you should start giving me wrinkles now (LORD NO), but you would be nice if you gave me a break already, and maybe I'll give you a break. Thanks, I really really appreciate it. If you behave, I'll even start treating you to expensive facials. I promise. Friends?

Yours in good health,

p/s: While we're at it, could you talk to Hair and tell her not to be so frizzy? Appreciate it.


shamaine said...

really cute post!

i'm with you on the frizzy hair!

ashieBee said...


i have the same problem too. like the pimple thingy. haihhh so frustrating like you're getting older, but your skin still acting "young". hihihi. but the dermatologist was saying, the positive side of it is... you'll get wrinkle way later than others. coz the skin still producing enough oil to keep it moist all the time.

ahhh i rase die nak amik hati i kot. but who cares? not too bad what...look younger for a bit longer. hihihi. takecare~