Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The case of the missing passport

My passport has been MIA for a couple of months now. I would like to think it's off traveling to Egypt to check out the pyramids, suntanning in the Caribbean, making out with some French hottie in Paris or shopping for fabulous finds at Barneys in New York. Well, whatever shenanigans it may be up to, if ever I see its scrawny, bumpy red ass, I would give it the sharpest slap, drag it by its cover, and shout, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, DISAPPEARING ON ME LIKE THAT?? YOU LITTLE SLUT!!!!! YOU WHORE-Y, BITCHY LITTLE PASSPORT! NOW SIT HERE LOCKED UP IN THIS DRAWER SO I KNOW WHERE TO FIND YOU!!!!"

I know, pretty harsh. But that's what you get for making me spend HOURS at Immigration this morning.


1 comment:

A Baharein said...

and thats one "lucky" passport u got there.