Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Shopping withdrawal symptoms

1) You spontaneously decide to do something crazy, like withdrawing 1,000 bucks out of your account and buying everything from the first shop you see. F*ck savings, you're going to blow it on clothes and shoes.

2) You scribble down everything you NEED (aka loose v-neck white tee, foho smock, ALDO heels, denim jumpsuit etc) furiously on a piece of notepad and stare at it for hours as if it will all materialise from thin air if you stare at it long enough. With crazy eyes, of course.

3) You feel like life has no meaning. At all.

4) You go through your wardrobe and feel like burning everything in a big bonfire while dancing around naked. Because at this point you feel like you'd rather go naked than wear your purple top again. For the 100th time.

5) You stare at other people's fashion blogs and feel like crying hysterically, while pulling your hair out and letting your eyeliner run down your cheeks, looking very Carrie (not Bradshaw, but the creepy Stephen King Carrie). And you do.

6) You feel like selling your sister just so you can afford a whole new wardrobe from Topshop.

7) You write blogs titled 'Shopping withdrawal symptoms' because that's the only f*&^ing thing you can do at the moment because you're so f&*#ing frustrated that you can't go shopping because you're f&^$ing BROKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
