Thursday, May 29, 2008

Bentley, bah.

You are going to hate me, but I have summed up two things about the Bentley Continental GT after being chauffeured around in it for a whole day:

1) It gives you nausea (this could also be due to Zul's driving, but we think it's the strong chemical-ish stench of the leather seats. It strangely makes you want to jump out the window).

2) It is really uncomfortable to sleep in. Especially if you didn't get enough sleep the night before and would KILL to get some shut eye, instead are off to do some car photoshoot when you'd rather be making love to your bed.

Other than that, here are two pics of me acting twat-ish with the Bentley:

I did NOT colour coordinate my outfit to match the car, thus I am rather pleased with myself for choosing this extremely-last-minute outfit. And yes my pose is awkward, who gives a toot.

The only time I didn't mind pumping gas.

Pick up GET@CAR's July issue for more untwat-ish pics! Hooray!

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