Thursday, January 27, 2011


Seriously, I have never perved over anything more in my life (Ryan Reynolds, you lose, sorry!). I've been googling Juicy Couture diaper bags like nobody's business, I think I've seen every model they have out there! The thing about diaper bags is that...they're really for the mom, instead of the child, admit it. I mean, if we're going to spend days lugging around a diaper bag for our babies, we might as well make it a stylish one, don't you think? I suppose I'm so obsessed with getting a statement diaper bag because that's the only thing I'll be getting for the baby which will actually complement my style. After all that 9 months of carrying around a living being in our tummies and finally going through The Big Push, I say we mothers deserve a nice diaper bag! I stand my ground, men!!

Obviously, Juicy Couture bags are waaaaaay pricey in Malaysia (a diaper bag will set you back more than RM1k), so getting one here is totally out of the question. They are significantly cheaper in The USA though (around 200 US dollars), so my only glimmer of hope is to get my darling cousin Aza or Farah's pilot hubster who travels to the states often to help me get my hands on one.

Anyway, the bags come with a changing mat, bib and burp cloth which is like the cutest thing ever:

Depending on the colour of your bag, you get a matching set. Never would I imagine my child throwing up on a Juicy Couture burp cloth. Faaaabulous, daahling.

At the moment I'm semi obsessing with just getting a black one, since I am having a boy, and black would go with every outfit...

Trust me, this looks better in real life. Not that I've seen this particular colour in real life, but Charlotte Church uses one and I saw a tabloid pic of her lugging it around and it looked awesome. It's huge, so you can practically see it from a mile away :

This one's pretty snazzy too:

No, that ain't me holding the bag, though I wish it were! I had to get this off some random site, couldn't find a proper pic. I love, love this. And I LOVE the strap. Found a pic of Jessica Alba toting a Juicy diaper bag in another model, but with the similar strap (except the colours are in reverse):

At first I wasn't bothered with having huge straps on my diaper bag, but I've realised that they actually come in handy when you're struggling to hold your baby. So all you do is sling away. Plus, with the straps, your hubs can totally lug the bag around without looking gay. Not that there's anything wrong with looking gay, but you know how straight men are!

Then, there are the cutesy coloured ones which make you go 'awwwwww' (or that could just be me):This totally reminds me of Juicy chewing gum. Coincidental? Btw, Yasir thinks this colour's pretty cute too. Ha, apa lagi sayang? :P

...yeah, that last pic's kinda small and crappy, but you get an idea of how cute it would look in real life, right? Right?? They have heaps of other colours too, google if you're curious. I purposely left out the pink ones because although they are uber cute, I think it would be a wee bit weird to be carrying around a girly diaper bag with Ayden. I might not totally rule out dark pink though....eheh. Anyway, the Juicy diaper bags aren't just aesthetically pleasing, they get really good reviews too, for being roomy enough to lug around your baby's things bla bla blahh who cares. So I AM totally being sensible here - cute and nifty! HAH!

To sum things up, I'm getting one if it's the last thing I do!!!! MUAHAHAHAAAAAHAHA!!

Sloppy, (you knew this was coming) juicy kisses,

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