Thursday, January 13, 2011


Random title, as usual. Hello peeeeeeople. FINALLY I get to use an actual computer to update this blog a little. Funny thing is, I can't remember what I was supposed to write about. Pregnant brain much? Oh, before anyone else is confused as per my last post regarding the baby's gender, it's now confirmed that we are, indeed, having a baby boy. And we have decided that the baby will first come wailing into the world in a labour room at Gleneagles Intan Medical Centre. Wheew. Glad that issue has finally come to rest. I was definitely getting sick of doctor hopping. Plus, Dato' Dr. Aziz is quite the Malay equivalent of George Clooney, if I do say so myself heh heh heh. I was expecting an old, fatherly figure as I walked through the door of his consultation room for the first time, but was....pleasantly surprised. Sayang I still love you, after all, you are the baby daddy :p Anyway, now I know why he's so famous. Plus, apparently he IS a good doctor. To expecting mothers, do check him out at Gleneagles or Prince Court if you're curious. Eheh hehe ehehh. Downside is, the next time I may need to bare 'all' to him, I might feel a bit shy-shy (insert blushing smiley emoticon here). Maybe if he coaxes me gently......hehehehe ok ok, stop it, hormones talking here, and anyway I find Yasir the hottest thing to walk planet earth *cough*.

Baby is big for his week, the last time when we went for a scan, I was 25 weeks pregnant and baby was 28 weeks big. So dreamy doc thinks that I MAY deliver end of March instead of mid April, which was quite a shocker to hear. Still, this was just an estimation...we'll see how big the baby gets. Number of scary labour dreams I've had thus far : 3. Including one where I fondly recall a full grown man acting all exorcist-like in the next room while in labour. Yes, you read right - MAN.

I have now just hit my 27th week, so third trimester is right around the corner. Alhamdulillah no obvious signs of bloating, of course I have vaginas as armpits and my thighs and arms now wobble like jelly (mmm...jelly...) but my engagement and wedding band still fit on my finger albeit a bit snug. Of course we know that the bloating phase is scarily looming up ahead, so I am nervously waiting for the day I will wake up looking like blown-up Veronica from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, although I pray that day will never come! Amin.

Okay, I'm feeling very lethargic today, so I'm due for a snooze. ZzzzzZzZzZZZZzzzzzz


It's ME ! said...

I x like George Clooney....but if you find a Dr tht looks like Mc Steamy, pls lemme know...then maybe I'll try giving Ayden a cousin just so I can have him as my Dr.eheheh..

And Wax woman, WAX !!

AainaaRibena said...

Woman, at this point in time I can barely see anything because my tummy is in the way. And I dowan to go professional waxing - sakittt! :(

Eyy, George Clooney handsome whatt.

Anonymous said...

Get used to it sister! Soon you won't be able to see your toes any more...

Yeh, i've heard gleneagles is still more affordable than princecourt?

I see you've managed to fix up your computer?
