Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My basic life principles.

...to always put yourself in the other person's shoes. To ask myself "What if that happened to me? Would I be upset?" before acting on something.

...to do unto others as you would want done unto you, and to not do unto others what you DON'T want done unto you.

...never talk bad about a person, unless that person has done something to deserve it (then u at least have a valid reason!)

...never criticise a person's physical characteristics, again UNLESS you were criticised first, but even so, refrain if you can.

..To give a person the benefit of the doubt. If I have, and that person still acts like a moron, then it's safe to say that that person IS a bad person.

...to practice social etiquette - apologise for not being able to turn up at an event, when you are unable to. Something A LOT of people forget to do nowadays.

...to avoid hurting the feelings of others. Basically, to have a conscience. If, you are in an uncompromising situation, at least apologise and explain why you weren't given a choice.

...to always love any animal, to show compassion, not to discriminate strays from expensive breeds. A stray cat needs just as much love, and is just as beautiful as a mixed persian in a store window.

...to stay away from racism.

...to be humble, down to earth... never be a show off. Strive for more, but be thankful of what you already have.

...always say your 'thank yous' and 'please'.

...to not take those who have helped you forgranted. To always cherish the GOOD friends and company in your life.

...to be strong no matter how hard life seems. Don't dwell on things or people that will bring you down.

...always remember that however big the problem, someone else has it much, much worse.

...not to use the excuse of coming from a 'broken family' as a basis of screwing up your own life. To always take charge of your life, and know that you are the one responsible of how things turn out, and not because your parents are divorced, or that your father abandoned you.

These things I practice, I hope I'll pass unto my children, insyaallah. I'm far from perfect, but I know that I've got a good head on my shoulders thanks to the values that were taught to me by my mother, growing up. And for that, I am eternally grateful.

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