Saturday, December 10, 2011

Ayden is eight!

Months, that is. He is a squirmy wormy momma's boy who is as fast as lightning in his walker! Road Runner ain't got nothin' on him!

Happy 8 months baby bear! True love forever, kiddo.

8 sloppy kisses,
Momma bear


Bashira said...

Hi Kak Ainaa! I saw you in Menara Weld yesterday at Secret Recipe. You are so pretty. Love your skin. So fresh and glowing. What facial wash you use/ how you take care of your skin? Sorry I have to put my question in your comment here. Don’t know how to reach you.


AainaaRibena said...

Hi bashira! wow, thanks for the compliment! Next time come up and say hi la ;) Honestly, I'm really bad when it comes to skincare so my skin is faaaar from flawless...but since you asked, I'm going to answer anyway :) I just use neutrogena facial wash, and clarins moisturiser (I think this helps with the 'glow' a little bit for when i'm feeling tired and I love the fresh scent). And probably what you saw was a little bit of Nars' highlighting blush powder in Albatross (I actually wrote about this a bit in one of my older posts, when I was pregnant). Oh, and I'm also trying out this collagen dust powder thing which one of the bloggers sells..hanis zalikha? But I'm not a disciplined user, whenever I remember, then only would I sprinkle some in my drink or something.

Sorry I have nothing exciting to share with you, but that's about it! haha. :)


Bashira said...

This is more than I needed! Thanks for sharing Kak Aina :) Definitely will say a Hi! next time :)