Tuesday, December 15, 2009

One of my 'happy' posts

It's been a while. I've been feeling very emo lately (I'm thinking PMS might have something to do with that). So it's high time. Here we go!

- When Mar comes back from Singapore. I miss that kid.

- When the bell goes off and I have my ten minute, heavenly break in between classes.

- My students cracking a joke which actually cracks me up.

- My students completing their in-class excercises well, which means I'm teaching them well.

- Clear skin. Even for a day.

- My girlfriends. They keep me sane. They make the world seem like a better place. I love them to death. Told you I'm feeling emo.

- Shoe shopping.

- This may seem contradicting, but crying my eyes out while watching a sad movie. In a way, I feel like I'm 'cleansing' my heart. Is that weird?

...hmmmm, may buy My Sister's Keeper tonight. Heard it's a good 'cry-your-heart-out' movie...


Keanorlinsya said...

get ready with a box of tissue paper! you'll hate cameron D. we all did. character dia mmg jadi!

shamaine said...

i love my girlfriends to death too!!!

Shiks said...

me three!!!aaawww group hug?heheheh i love you guys!!!

ultimatecass said...

ohhh i feel the same way about crying at movies. it's so, err, cleansing! ahahaha

n oh, my sister's keeper is too awesome. cried like a bloody idiot.