My appetite is sloooowly increasing, but as of now, I'm still struggling to eat a normal-sized portions are still small, but I do feel the urge to snack consistently, because if not, I just feel hungry! I still have bouts of nausea towards the evening, till night, but they are definitely less severe than before. Doctor gave me this multi-vitamin pill called makes me feel nauseous, and I feel lightheaded after half an hour of taking it, so I usually take it at night before I sleep.
Body-wise...ehh, same ol' same ol'. Still waiting to 'pop'! I only seem to have a baby bump when I'm sitting down, but as soon as I get up, it just looks like I'm a teensy 'buncit'! At times my stomach looks pretty much flat. During my last check up, my doctor mentioned something about how I won't be too big or something, so it's good, minimal stretch marks...I wasn't really listening to what she was saying because I was mesmerised by little Koko's image on the monitor, kicking away :) And the doctor says that she thinks the baby is going to be tall, because of its long legs! Ha ha. Imagine that!
I actually have a picture of the last scan, but mama advised me from posting it on facebook, blog bla bla..oh well..I guess, you know how Malays are very hush-hush about everything, and full of pantang larang (superstitions), so I've decided to follow these 'rules', just to be on the safe side. I do have baby Koko's image as the wallpaper on my phone though :)
Still slathering on the stretch mark cream over my belleh after I shower everyday, but I do forget from time to time..ugh! I'm soo bad when it comes to religiously using/applying beauty products! Must remind self that no discipline = stretch marks!! Sleep has been alright, although I find it hard to get a good night's sleep nowadays..I wake up a zillion times in the middle of the night, and Yasir's constant duvet tugging does not help either! :P
That's about it, I guess. Nothing too exciting...I'm thinking of recording my tummy when it starts 'showing', so I can update my friends who are overseas (Mar and Zar!). Here's to starting the second trimester reaaaal soon! Insyaallah.
sloppy kisses.