Thursday, September 23, 2010

Alllll night longgggggg, baby.

My stomach strikes again - I spent almost all night resisting the urge to vomit. I had to sleep sitting up in the dark half the night because I couldn't lie down in fear of my food creeping up on me again. Not exactly comfortable.

I have also been googling 'baby bump 10 weeks' and find it amazing that some women are showing a lot at 10 weeks. My stomach is close to being flat! I could still wear a bikini! Which kind of makes me a little paranoid...but I've read that a baby bump at ten weeks is usually due to being bloated and gassy. The baby is only the size of a kumquat anyway...kumquat is quite a funny word, isn't it? Sounds like something you would call a stupid person ("You forgot to bring the house keys?? You KUMQUAT!! or or "That salesgirl thinks I'm a size M, when clearly I'm an XS! Duh, what a kumquat!")

Anywhoodle, how big is a kumquat again? Google time! I swear, if I had a penny for everytime I've said "Thank god for Google"..

So there you go...kumquats. Hmmm. Next up, figs.

sloppy kumquat kisses xxx

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