Monday, September 5, 2011

I'm not an impractical person, but....

..for this (Missoni for Bugaboo) stroller, I say HELL YEAH! Plus, if I get this stroller, there's a high possibility we'll be using it for Ayden's future siblings. Can I go ahead and say it's an investment? Haha.

Months of zero shopping so I can save up for one...will I be able to do it??

Sloppy kisses,



FU said...

We got that for Maya!! LOVE LOVE IT! :D

AainaaRibena said...

ohmygod I HATE YOU. hahaha. Nasib baik you're my cousin, so I won't beat you to death! kidding!! *nervous laughter* where did you get it bebeh? here or the states?

FU said...

Hahahahaha.... we got it in states. I ordered over the phone few days before departing kl n when we arrived that Saturday before aza's grad, we went straight to the mall to pick it up. :D

anis said...

aww it's so cute! love the color! we've got the pink bugaboo bee for my daughter and it was definitely a good buy, had a capella stroller before that and it broke when she was about 7 months.
the bugaboo is definitely more solid and worth every penny!

AainaaRibena said...

anis, you have me sold. say no more. missoni for bugaboo, come to mama! hahah