Tuesday, July 1, 2008

This is a happy post # 3

My last post was a little too emo, so I think it's only appropriate if I change the mood up in this 'hood and talk about the things that make me happy like a fat kid digging into chocolate fudge cake:

- Getting my ebay purchases in the mail (this one hasn't happened in quite a while, but I still reminisce the times when I used to jump up and down like a kid as soon as I saw a package sitting on the front doorstep, run upstairs while ripping at it and immediately trying on what I bought..then wearing it around the house for a whole day before taking it off again.)

- A new notebook. Somehow the blank pages make me excited at scribbling down ANYTHING, but I end up doodling random gibberish,like hearts and flowers. But still, very exciting.

- Hearing my favourite song on the radio while I'm driving. This one is predictable, but it makes me really really really happy. I would usually let out a half squeak, half squeal, and proceed to turn up the volume, of course. Then depending if it's an emo song or a fast song, I would get really depressed or do the finger dance.

- Mamee monster snack (I'm actually having one now as I type this).

- Stupid fart jokes. I know, I know, brainless but they're hilarioussss

- New posts on Gofugyourself . These girls make me want to pee in my pants. I really can't stop bursting out laughing at their sarcastic and witty humour. Go go check it out if you haven't!!

- Guys who smell yummy. Don't you men get how sexy you appear to us if you actually don't smell like sweat and armpits? Even if you look like Mamee monster himself you can still score when you smell of Calvin Klein cologne.

- Don't ask why, but airplane food. I get excited when I see the stewardesses getting the trolleys out. Somehow I'm hungry 24/7 when I'm on a flight and snorting away into a tissue from watching a sad movie.

- When a new Tim Burton movie comes out. I LOVEEEEEE him, he is my favourite auteur. I also absolutely ADORE Helena Bonham Carter, if ever I get to meet her one day I will possibly pass out. But only after I tell her how awesome she is.

I think that should be enough to counter-balance the previous angst-y post.

sloppy kisses and super love xoxo


shamaine said...

do you agree with me that ms bonham carter didn't have to do much 'research' for her character in Sweeney Todd ? She's just like that!

AainaaRibena said...

Yes, I don't think she needs to do much research for any of her roles in her husband's movies. She's so deliciously eccentric, you just gotta love the woman!

King Shen said...

When i was young, wat really made me happy was having indo mee while watching spacecop gaban. now dats awesome.

p/s- she's married to tim burton? i didn't know that...

Stella Matilda said...

Touching story, it should become a movie!

Never Trust those with PENIS
They are sooooo gatal, isshhh
hate men who leave their wive and same goes to women who leave their husband too... HMPH! Kesian the kids that we had together. Arrghh

U'll have a great live Aainaa~


Stella Matilda said...

woopphs i mean "they" had hahahahaha
we lagi tu... la iiiillaahh

shamaine said...

is she with tim burton?! i thought tim burton was with that chick from Mars Attacks... something Marie...i know she was with Kenneth Branagh...hhmm..IMDB!!!

shamaine said...

you're right..she is Mrs Burton...i can only imagine what their house must be like...hhmmm

AainaaRibena said...

I know, right? They probably have black candles around the house and lots of velvet furniture heheh