Monday, September 13, 2010

9th week ultrasound

I totally forgot to ask the doctor for a picture of my ultrasound last week, so I googled a 9 week ultrasound and what came up was pretty much what we saw last week :)

From a tiny dot to a tiny baby-shaped fetus! Pretty cool :D My next ultrasound is at the end of this month, when i'm around 12 weeks, so insya-Allah we'll be able to see quite a defined baby. And this time I'll ask for a photo so I don't have to go around and steal someone else's ultrasound pic haha. Sloppy kisses! xxx


Mariam Shah said... sure koko looks just the same or so excited fro you babess..bestnye nanti you have like a buddy/gf around all the time and the 3 of you can hang out all the time.. ;);) love you much tooo much babes...

AainaaRibena said...

hehe buddy/gf, you make it sound so cute. Insyaallah nanti I ask for my ultrasound pic for the next check-up k, so you can see the real koko! hehehe. love you toooooo! xxxxx