Sunday, November 28, 2010


Helloooo blog, I've missed you! Laptop is fixed, although internet is acting a tad bit dodgy. I don't really have any exciting news to report, but I am over the moon that my bebe and I have officially reached 20 weeks! And as slowly but surely, those dull little 'thud thud' kicks I talked about are getting stronger and more noticeable - I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night because of a strong kick! Then I usually find it hard to fall asleep after, but I take that all this waking up at 3am and sleepless nights will help me prepare for the real deal, so it's all good.

I am now also weighing in at 57.4kgs as of this morning. Whoa. I'm not sure if the whole '2kgs a month' thing is really going to work out for me, because my weight has been increasing really really fast. But I'm not too worried now, as I'm pretty sure that all this weight is not due to me pigging out (though that does happen from time to time), but because of my pregnancy. But yeah, arms are getting flabbier, face slightly chubs and the other day my sister played with my lovehandles, while going "why like this?" mesmerised by them. Thanks a lot kakak!

On a bouncier note, baby bump is showing! I do get some stares from people who look like they're thinking "Is she pregnant? Hmm, maybe she's not? Eh, maybe she is. Eh, no lah. SHE IS!" especially from women. Kinda fun. And you'll get people commenting on how small or big your tummy is too. The other day I went bra shopping (which was frustrating - more on that in a later post), and the salesgirl asked me how many months along I was and I told her I was 5 months, and she exclaimed with bulging eyes "Wahh, 5 months can already see ah like this!?" like I was ready to go into labour and give birth there and then in that store. Oh, and the other day I had my first 'I'm a fragile pregnant woman' situation, which was pretty cool. You know how shop assistants at Sungei Wang are usually far from being friendly to you? How they follow you around their shop as if you're going to stuff every RM25 ringgit top into your handbag at any moment, give you the evil eye, breathe down your neck and go "tsk!" and in a huff fuss over that top you took from the rack but decided it looks tacky on you, so you put it back? Well, last week, I was looking at a Balenciaga motorcycle bag imitation, and decided, nahh (but after sleepless nights that handbag has been haunting me, think I might just have to go and get it now :p) and as I was attempting to place it back on the shelf which was only a few inches higher than me, the shop assistant came rushing to me and went, "It's okay! come, come I help you!!" in the most urgent and pleasant tone possible. And instantly I felt like I needed to assume my role as the helpless preggo chick, so I stuck out my belly a few inches more and gave her a soft whisper "Thank you," while placing my hand on my waist, like I was having a backache. Automatic response, I can't help it, I swear. Guys on the other hand, tend to stare at my...boobs. My girls are definitely a far cry from Heidi Montag's, but they're definitely there. They have a mind of their own - which annoys and delights Yasir at the same time. It's like they're a blessing and a curse. Apparently only he can stare at them and his job is to protect and shield them from the prying eyes of every gatal man. You know what they say, with great boobs come great responsibility.

Oh one more thing - I'm now a baby/child stalker. If your baby is cute, I'm probably stalking you already. Watch out. Har har. There's this little boy who looks around two-years-old at my condo, who goes for a walk with his nanny around 9.15am, first time I saw him tottering about, holding his nanny's hand while walking down the path, I just stared at him and smiled widely like a psycho. He's sooooo cute! And the weird thing is, he looks like Yasir when he was a kid (believe it or not, Yasir was an uber pretty boy, with his fair complexion, red lips and dimple - I know, what happened right?? haha) so my heart just stopped looking at the little boy, coz he has the same fatures as Yasir! Then the next day, as Yasir was sending me back to the condo, we saw the boy again, this time looking a bit chomot in his pyjamas, but still tottering about with his nanny. And I've been hoping to bump into that boy eversince, but not yet. Yasir thinks I'm obsessed. I have worked out that this boy lives in the same block as me, because he always seems to be coming from that direction. Now all I gotta do is wait in front of the lift everyday at 9am sharp till he goes for his morning walk. Operation child stalking to take place. Soon. Very soon. MUAHAHAHAHA. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!

sloppy child stalker kisses,


Mariam Shah said...

hahahaha babesss...!! you're a hilarious pregnant mummy!!! but I do get you when you say you've been stalking little boys ;) ;) I've been talking about Ayden to Zu like he's already born (which sometimes makes Zu a little confuse and go "which ayden?" ..!? when are you due again babes? there are so many cute things here that I wanna get for him but im doing my best to control myself!

AainaaRibena said...

babe, don't have to controlll, just give in to the urges hehehe ;) Insyaallah I am due mid April. We are SO gonna come visit you one day, and I'm definitely going to stuff the baby in some cute little jumper and bring him k. I've already started making plans for after he gets a little bigger to travel! Sooo excited!! eeeek! :D