Saturday, March 12, 2011

Doubletree hotel and a weird dream.

I'm typing this from my bb, waiting for 2pm to roll around for our dreaded check out (we requested for a late checkout). While I'm feeling guilty for being cosily tucked away in a lush hotel bed while Japan is going through a devastating situation, I'm trying to enjoy the last few weekends of alone time with Yasir before the little bugger makes his debut appearance. Went for a swim (decided against the bikini for fear of scaring away the children at the pool..and besides, the last thing I want is a kid screeching "Mommy look at the whale!") and have consumed three of the giant Doubletree chocolate chip cookies thus far. Love it so much that Yasir bought a whole tin for us to bring home! Oh, last night I had another weird, I'm-in-labour dream, where an old ex schoolmate of mine said, "Apa susah, just induce and cut lah" as I was walking into the hospital. And then somehow I ended up warded next to a gay couple, where one of them had his legs up in the air and was mimicking pushing a baby out. After 5 minutes of 'pushing', a nurse came in and handed them their baby, which by the way, had a full-on beard. Yep. I have a feeling this dream has something to do with me reading that article on the world's first pregnant 'man' the other day.

I should really stop googling.

Sloppy kisses xx

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