Sunday, March 6, 2011

My weekend and animal suits.

Last weekend was quite productive - the hubster and I ran a few errands (if you can call them that), met up with his parents and attended a baby shower. Whew, I am pooped! We went to Sungei Wang on Saturday because Yasir wanted to send his xbox for 'surgery' (don't ask) and I am proud to report that I did not feel like fainting while we were there - for once! Oh, and because I had been craving for a leather jacket, my darling Yasir got me a 'leather' jacket from one of the shops in Sungei Wang. I think that helped my lightheadedness a little bit heh heh. The shop assistant looked at me like I was a crazy pregnant woman trying on a leather jacket. Waittaminute, I was. Anyway, I am already imagining going off to Vevey to visit kakak and Dickie with Ayden in tow, wearing my new jacket. And Ayden would be wearing one of those little hoodie jumpers and jeans. That, or I'd squeeze his pudgy little body into one of these:

Much love and thanks to Ayden's godmums, Zara and Mar :) Twenty years from now, when he brings home his girlfriend he is going to cringe when I whip out the pictures of him in these suits!

*evil laughter*

Oh Ayden, you know mummy loves you ;)


Anne said...

show us your leather jacket =)

AainaaRibena said...

It's just a cheapo version of a leather jacket haha, nothing too interesting..I might see if I can use it in my maternity shoot. Then maybe there'll be pics!