Tuesday, February 15, 2011

31 going on 32 weeks!

Turning 32 weeks (8 months!) by the end of this week. Basically, everything which is written below, I'm experiencing. Fatigue. Breathlessness. Man, I feel tired just from typing this out. Anyway, the article below was taken from womenshealthcaretopics.com. I have actually recorded my 31 week pregnancy vlog (FINALLY), but am waiting for the husband to upload it on Youtube soon. I think I babbled a lot about random stuff, so it's not exactly an interesting video. Oh well. Anyway, stuff about being 32 weeks preggers:

As you reach 32 weeks pregnant, don't be surprised if you start to feel very fatigued (yepp...CHECK!). All that extra weight that you are carrying around takes its toll on your body. Your exhaustion may also be related to the dramatic increase of the hormone progesterone in your pregnant body. (Progesterone helps prepare your body for labor and delivery.)

Take it Easy in the Third Trimester
Although fatigue is a normal pregnancy symptom in the third trimester, you should try to take it easy, if you can. Take short breaks at work, and extra naps in the middle of the day (if you have this luxury) (THANK GOD I DO). At pregnancy week 32, you can look forward to the fact that your fatigue won't last forever. Pregnancy-related fatigue will disappear shortly after you give birth.

Pregnancy Weight Gain and Insomnia
As you grow larger in your pregnancy, you should expect to also experience sleep disturbances and insomnia (if you aren't already!) (CHECK!!). In fact, your pregnancy weight gain at 32 weeks pregnant may be as high as 25 pounds, or more! (The recommended weight gain in pregnancy for an average sized woman is between 25 and 35 pounds) (OHMYGOD I HAVE ALREADY GAINED 35 POUNDS...IS THAT HEALTHY??).

Only 5 More Weeks to Go!
At pregnancy week 32, you may feel like you can’t get any larger! But remember, you have five more weeks until your baby is full-term and ready to be delivered. That’s over a month! Expect your belly to continue to grow as your pregnancy week by week comes to a close (AAAAACKK).

Be Aware of Posture Changes
As your belly expands at 32 weeks pregnant and onward, try to be aware of your posture. Postural changes in pregnancy are linked to some painful pregnancy changes, including backaches and leg cramps.

What Causes Back Pain in the Third Trimester
In the third trimester, your back pain may also be linked to the increased levels of the hormone relaxin in your body. This hormone helps stretch and soften your body's ligaments and pelvic tendons, so that your baby can easily pass through the birth canal during delivery.

Heart Palpitations During Pregnancy
At pregnancy week 32, you may start to experience heart palpitations (the sensation that your heart is pounding or racing, or beating irregularly) (DOUBLE CHECK!!). Though you may feel concerned about this, it is a common experience in pregnancy, especially around 32 weeks pregnant. Heart palpitations are simply the result of the your increased blood volume during pregnancy (which peaks around this week), paired with the influences of the hormone progesterone, and the stress and anxiety of pregnancy.

Fetal Development at 32 Weeks Pregnant

At 32 weeks pregnant, your baby continues to put on the weight. He or she weighs around 3.7 pounds now, and he or she is about 16.7 inches long. Your little one is reaching his or her maximum length at this stage of your pregnancy week by week.

The level of amniotic fluid in your uterus is reaching its maximum at pregnancy week 32. From this point onward, the amount of amniotic fluid will stay constant until your baby is full term (week 37 of pregnancy). At 37 weeks, the amount will steadily decrease.

Your baby is starting to fatten up this week. He or she is packing on fat and muscle underneath the skin, giving your baby a more rounded look. By the time that your baby is born, he or she will simply be the cutest, chubby baby that you ever did see!

The skin is less translucent at 32 weeks pregnant. It is also become pinker. It's harder to see the blood vessels underneath the skin. You can now see creases on the skin of your baby's wrists and on the palms.

During pregnancy week 32, your baby's muscle tone is improving so his or her movements are smoother and more complex. Your baby's movements in the womb help with his or her coordination, increases his or her muscle mass, and strengthen his or her bones.

Here's to 4 weeks++ to go!!

sloppy kisses.

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