Sunday, February 6, 2011

Easy on the rice.

Went for my check up this morning, and doc told me to cut back on rice and carbs. I put on 4 kgs in a span of a month, and he looked at me like I had swallowed an elephant. Crap. I am now officially 30 weeks and baby is measuring at least 32 weeks! Some people say it's because I drink a lot of ice water...I'm not much of a 'hot drink' person, I like my drinks ice cold! So I know for a fact that my confinement period is going to be TORTURE.

Just now for lunch, I attempted to eat just a weeee bit of rice, with my veggies, fish and chicken. Bet you in half an hour's time I'll be super starving again. aaaaaaahhhhhhh! Oh, and I am anemic, my blood count level or something is around 10, while the normal level should be 12 to 14 I think. So that explains why I get lightheaded quite easily...

Oh two days ago Yasir and I saw Ayden sucking his thumb on the monitor during a scan. That lil bugger :)


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